December 2024
Posted on Dec 2, 2024 in HomePage, Newsletter, Prayer Letter, Uncategorized |
As Cassie and I send our last prayer letter for the year of 2024, we do so with grateful hearts. It has been ten years now since the Lord led us to leave the pastorate in order to serve at Macedonia. During the last decade, God and His people have been so good to us. We are thankful to labor with you to reach the world with the Gospel. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you for your friendship and for your faithfulness!
As we reflect upon the year, we cannot help but contemplate the goodness of our wonderful Lord. He has allowed us to travel thousands of miles to share the Gospel and to help and assist those He has called to plant churches. We praise the Lord for a fruitful trip to Africa to visit two different countries and three different Macedonia missionary families while there. Our hearts have been thrilled as we have seen local churches determine to do more to reach the world with the Gospel through both going and giving. We have rejoiced as God has sent MWBM more missionary families to partner with. It has certainly been our joy this year as well to continue to labor with local churches and pastors in helping get their missionaries to the field and to sustain them while they are there. On a personal note, Cassie and I became grandparents this year. Our son Joshua and our daughter-in-law Amanda presented us with beautiful Everly Rose Caudill on September 30th. We rejoice in that she is healthy and continues to grow every day. To God be the glory! We certainly thank Him for another wonderful year of ministry and by faith look forward to what the Lord will do in the days to come. He is able and certainly worthy of our best efforts.
We also continue to move forward with our Pavilion Project here at our headquarters in Hoschton, Georgia. Some of you have given towards this project, and we appreciate your help very much. We have applied for the needed permits from our county and, Lord willing, look forward to getting started after the first of the new year. We continue to pray that the remaining $65,000.00 needed to complete the project will come in soon. Several of our missionary families have given sacrificially for which we are grateful. I have again included the QR code that will give you more information as well. Would you prayerfully consider helping us?
Please hold these dates on your calendar! Our yearly “Reach the World Youth Conference” will be held next year on Saturday, April 12. Our Labourers Together Pastor’s Banquet will be held Tuesday evening, November 11 during our National Conference at the Peoples Baptist Church of McDonough, Georgia. We are already looking forward to a wonderful time together. We would love for you to join us. For more information, log on to
Since our last letter, Cassie and I have been blessed to see three precious souls saved during the meetings that we have been a part of. We rejoice in the fact that God still saves old sinners! We also rejoice in the true meaning of Christmas. We trust you and yours will have a wonderful Christmas and a fruitful new year. Thank you again for your partnership in this great work for God! It is by God’s grace and with your help, we will continue by faith.

September 2024
Posted on Sep 3, 2024 in HomePage, Newsletter, Prayer Letter, Uncategorized |
Dear Friends,

The Caudills at the Fundamental Baptist Church of Tingandogo, Burkina Faso.
Since our last letter we have traveled to and returned from Africa having visited two different countries and three different Macedonia missionary families while there. It was certainly a life changing trip that presented each of us with an opportunity to share the Gospel ourselves. I was blessed to preach sixteen different times for our missionaries’ church plants and meet several national pastors that I enjoyed getting to know personally. Cassie spoke in two different ladies meetings, one in which three ladies in Ghana trusted Christ as their Saviour. To God be the glory! We again want to express our thanks to those of you that helped with the expense of the trip. We are convinced that only eternity will reveal the fruit that will abound to your account as a result of the investment you have made. Thank you so very much. The Lord has kept us both safe and well, and we are tremendously thankful. Praise His good name!
We also want to thank you for praying for our reFresh week here at our Home Office that we hosted in June. It proved to be a very profitable week as a record number of our missionary families were both equipped and encouraged for the ministry that God has called them to do. Weeks like this are only a part of the services our board provides for the missionary families we are blessed to labor with. We would love for your family to be a part of the next reFresh week. If God has called you to go, we would love to help you get there! For more information log on to today.
Over the course of the last few years, as Macedonia has grown so has the need for expanding our meeting and training facilities. Currently, we annually host the Reach the World Youth Conference with over two hundred young people coming to our campus to learn about opportunities for missionary service around the world. We have also experienced cramped quarters during our training classes and meetings for our new missionary candidates. As a result of this our Executive Board has unanimously decided to build a covered pavilion to serve these as well as other functions. I have included a QR code on this quarter’s prayer letter which in turn will lead you to a short video explaining The Pavilion Project in much greater detail. Currently, we have about $112,000 set aside for this need and are trusting the Lord for the remaining funds to complete the project. Would you prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you and your church to do to help? Thank you for laboring with us.
Truly the hour is late, and the need to reach the world has never been greater! Therefore with your help and by God’s grace, Cassie and I continue by faith.
For the sake of souls,
June 2024
Posted on Jun 1, 2024 in HomePage, Newsletter, Prayer Letter, Uncategorized |
Dear Friends,
As Cassie and I write this quarter, we do so with grateful hearts. Our airline tickets have been purchased, our visas have been acquired, and, Lord willing, we will be leaving for Africa on July 8th. For those of you that have given to help with the expense of our next missions trip, we are very grateful. Since all of the trips we make like this are at our own expense, we honestly could not have made it without your help. Thank you so very much! We would also appreciate your prayers that God would keep us safe and well as we travel. We certainly desire to be a blessing to the missionaries we will visit as well as to the people we will minister to and share the Gospel with while there. Lord willing, we will be returning to the states the last week of July. Rest assured, it is our heart’s desire that fruit would abound to your account as a result of our partnership together.
We also praise the Lord for a wonderful “Reach the World Youth Conference” that was recently held here at our international headquarters in Hoschton, Georgia. We had a record number that attended the conference this year, and the Lord met with us in a very special way. Please help us pray that each seed that was sown would bring forth an abundant harvest of another generation of missionaries for God’s glory. We are already planning next year’s conference. Please mark Saturday, April 12, 2025, on your calendar and start planning now for your youth group to be a part. We hope to see you here!
These are certainly busy days at our home office as we are in the process of planning and preparing for our next scheduled reFRESH week June 17-20. This will be a week of preaching, fellowship, and teaching several of our missionary families on such topics as the power of prayer, husband/wife relationships, and culture shock. We are praying that God would work through these few days to encourage and equip our Macedonia missionaries to continue for the cause of Christ with a renewed zeal and fervency. Please join us in prayer to that end.
In closing, Cassie and I want to say thank you again for your prayers and faithful support. It was ten years ago, the first Sunday of May, that we stepped out by faith to begin deputation and raise the needed support to serve in the position at Macedonia to which God led us. I can attest to the fact firsthand that where God guides, God provides. He has used each of you to help supply our every need. We do not take that lightly, and we certainly do not take it for granted. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you. Therefore, by His grace and with your help, we continue by faith.
For the sake of souls,
March 2024
Posted on Mar 1, 2024 in HomePage, Newsletter, Prayer Letter, Uncategorized |
Dear Friends,
Cassie and I are so grateful for your friendship and your faithful prayers as well as your financial support. What a joy it is to labor with you to reach a lost and dying world with the Gospel.
After taking a few days for time with family in December, we have kept a full schedule since the first of the new year. While staying in close contact with our office, we have traveled each week in meetings. Our travels have taken us as far north as Pennsylvania and as far south as Florida to “fan the flame” of world evangelism. It is a great joy to assist pastors in helping their church family see the need to do more than they have ever done before to get the Gospel to the world while we still have opportunity. Truly the hour is late, and the need has never been greater. Thank you for your continued prayers for safety as we travel.
Whether I am in the office or on the road, a new year always brings the task of preparing tax forms for all of our missionary families. As a result of the diligent efforts of our staff here, I am glad to be able to report that job has been accomplished for another year. Honestly, very few people ever stop to think about things like this when it comes to world evangelism. However, it is a need that must be met for missionary families if they are to remain on the field doing the work of the Lord. It is our joy to assist them and their sending churches in doing so.
In addition to the many administrative tasks we undertake on a daily basis here at our office, we also have several things to prepare for and to look forward to in the new year. Lord willing, this coming April 27 our home office will host the next “Reach the World” Youth Conference. This is an exciting as well as enlightening day here that we are trusting God to use to help raise up another generation of missionaries for His glory. Has your youth group registered yet? For more information you can log on to Please pray with us that God would bless this day in a very special way. We hope to see you and your youth group here for the meeting.
Cassie and I are also excited about a door of opportunity that God has opened for us to travel to Africa this summer. While there, we plan to visit three of our Macedonia missionary families. We will travel to Burkina Faso in order to visit with Missionary Keith Shumaker and his family. After a few days with the Shumakers, we will travel on to Ghana to visit with Missionaries Dwayne Harrison, James Ruckman, and their families. While in Ghana we will not only be a part of a national pastor’s conference, but I will have the opportunity to preach in several church plants as well. It will be a busy two weeks, but we are believing that it will be most productive for the cause of Christ. Would you please pray that God would use us while in Africa? Would you please help us pray for the financial needs of the trip? From all indications the airfare alone for the two of us will be between $6500 and $7500. Since the trips we make like this are at our own expense, we are trusting the Lord to help meet the need. We truly believe it is God’s will for us to be in Africa this summer. Thank you for laboring with us in prayer. GOD IS ABLE!
Recently while in a missions revival at the Grace Baptist Church of Baldwin, Florida, where Dr. Dewayne Jowers serves as the pastor, a young man by the name of Stephen was saved. A young lady by the name of Gracie also surrendered her life to be used of the Lord in missions. God is still in the business of changing and using lives today!
Therefore, by the grace of God and with your help, Cassie and I continue by faith. Thank you for laboring with us.
For the sake of souls,
December 2023
Posted on Dec 1, 2023 in HomePage, Newsletter, Prayer Letter |
Dear Friends,
As Cassie and I enter into this Christmas season, we do so with thankful hearts. The Lord has blessed this year in so many ways for which we are grateful. We are certainly thankful for your friendship and fellowship in the Gospel. Should the Lord stay His coming, we look forward to yet another year to labor with you to reach the world with the good news of the Lord Jesus Christ. From the bottom of our hearts we thank you for your prayers and your financial support.
We are grateful for traveling mercies. Since returning from the UK and Europe this summer, our endeavors to “fan the flame of world evangelism” have taken us as far north as Maine and as far south as Florida. What a blessing it has been to witness churches determine to do more than they have ever done before to get the Gospel to the people of the world. The hour is late, and the need has never been greater to do so.
Our Executive Board has been very busy as well. Not only has our board approved seven new missionary families this year, but they have also approved our first intern that will be spending two months in Africa next spring. Maybe you are reading this letter, and you feel that God may be calling you to the mission field. Why not consider an internship? I know of no greater way to gain a deeper understanding of the spiritual need of a certain area of the world than by actually spending time there with missionaries that have given their lives to reach those people with the Gospel. For more information concerning our internship program log on to our website at
Special thanks this quarter goes out to Pastor Justin Gazaway and the wonderful people of the Catoosa Baptist Tabernacle of Ringgold, Georgia, for the fantastic job they did hosting our national conference in October of this year. What a special time it was with twenty eight different MWBM families and the CBT church family. Thank you dear friends. Only eternity will reveal the true worth of your efforts to be a blessing.
Looking ahead, we are already excited about our next Reach the World Youth Conference coming up Saturday, April 27 here at our international headquarters in Hoschton, Georgia. Pastor, please consider bringing your youth group to be a part of this special day with several MWBM families. Please join us in prayer that God will work through this conference to raise up another generation of labourers. Truly the harvest is plenteous, but the labourers are few. For more information log on to
In closing, Cassie and I ask that you pray with us for a lady we witnessed to while in a missions conference in Maine. Her name is Shelly. Shelly’s greatest need is the greatest need of the world today, a Saviour. Therefore, since the need has never been greater, we continue by faith.
For the sake of souls,
Scott and Cassie Caudill
September 2023
Posted on Sep 1, 2023 in HomePage, Newsletter, Prayer Letter, Uncategorized |
Dear Friends,
The psalmist declared in Psalms 126:3, “The LORD hath done great things for us; whereof we are glad.” Today, Cassie and I make that same declaration. The Lord has certainly done great things for us! Therefore, we too are glad. We are glad to be involved in the service of the Lord. We are glad to partner with you, our friends, to reach the world with the Gospel. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your prayers and financial support.
Tuesday, August 15, Cassie and I returned to America after having filled in for MWBM missionary Jonathan VandenHurk at the Calvary Baptist Church of Peterborough, England. Over the course of our six weeks there we not only ministered each Lord’s day at the church, we also participated in street evangelism, Bible studies, as well as children’s Sunday school. CBC is an exciting, growing work with a heart to make a difference in the lives of families. Please help us pray the Lord would provide this church plant with a more adequate place to assemble. As the church continues to grow this will become an even more pressing need.
While using the UK as our home base, it was also our desire to visit with our other MWBM European church planters. We were able to visit Brother Junior Haley and his family at the Ghent Baptist Church of Ghent, Belgium. God is blessing the church! The Lord has recently led them to acquire their own facility. They are currently in the process of refurbishing it. We were so impressed with how the church is working together to make a difference for Christ in Ghent. We were also able to have a short but pleasant visit with Brother Jeremiah Cooley and his family. They met us in Milan, Italy, where we were able to enjoy fellowship and hear firsthand about the triumphs and challenges of the unique ministry God has given them in Germany and the surrounding countries. From Milan we traveled to Reggio Emilia, Italy, to visit with Brother Brandon Cook and his family. The Cooks have planted the La Verita Baptist Church there and are being used of the Lord in a mighty way. God has blessed them to learn the Italian language, and they continue to labor diligently to reach their city and beyond with the Gospel. Our final visit was with Brother Jason Rongione and his wife Dana in Wales. They have been in the town of Rhayner now for over a year and are hard at work in the weekly outreach of the Bethanaia Baptist Church. Please join us in prayer over current issues that have arisen with their visas in order that they can stay in the country. That is certainly their heart’s desire.
As we returned home our hearts were stirred yet again for the great need of the Gospel in the UK and Europe. We have also gained a greater understanding of the daily challenges our missionaries face on the field. Therefore, for each of you that invested in the this trip on our behalf, we can assure you your gifts have made a difference. Again, from the bottom of our hearts we thank you!
Since returning to the states we have already been busy in missions Sundays and conferences. We also praise the Lord for three new missionary families we have approved just since our last prayer letter to Spain, Brazil, and the Netherlands. Praise the Lord! We are also hard at work preparing for our Annual Conference at the Catoosa Baptist Tabernacle of Ringold, Georgia, October 15-18. These are busy days but very good days. Therefore by God’s grace and with your help, we will continue by faith.
For the sake of souls,
June 2023
Posted on Jun 1, 2023 in HomePage, Newsletter, Prayer Letter, Uncategorized |
Dear friends and co labourers,
As I write this quarter my heart is filled with gratitude. It was nine years ago this May that Cassie and I left the pastorate after almost twenty-two years in order that I may serve as the General Director of Macedonia World Baptist Missions. We are grateful first and foremost to the Lord who has graciously supplied our every need thus enabling us to do what He has put in our hearts to do. However, we are also grateful to each of you. God’s people have been so good to us! Some of you reading this letter have partnered with us from the very beginning of this missions journey. From the bottom of our hearts Cassie and I thank you for your prayers, your faithful support, and your friendship. Please know we are ever mindful of your sending “once and again” unto our necessity. We never take your prayers or your support for granted.
We also wanted to thank those of you that have given to help with the expenses of our missions trip to Europe this summer. Our tickets to England have been purchased! Lord willing, we will be leaving Monday, July 3rd in order to fill in for our missionary, Jonathan Vandenhurk of Peterborough, England, for a period of six weeks. We also have plans to visit some of our other church planters in Europe. Throughout the course of our time in England, we will be scouting some surrounding areas prayerfully seeking a city that is in need of a Bible preaching church. I am sure we will not have to look long to find one. Will you go? Will you help us reach the lost of Europe for God’s glory? We look forward to sharing more news concerning our trip next prayer letter. Stay tuned!
It has been a very busy spring! Our efforts to fan the flame of world evangelism have taken us through nine different states this quarter. We are very thankful for traveling mercies as well as for every door of opportunity God opens for us to challenge churches concerning world evangelism. We were also blessed to see a record number of teenagers attend our “Reach the World” youth conference this year here on our property in Hoschton, Georgia. Would you please help us pray that God would bless the seeds that were sown that day in order that another crop of missionaries might be raised up to reach the world with the Gospel?
We rejoice in the fact God is still calling people to the mission field! Just a few weeks ago we were blessed to host four new missionary families here at our training center for a two day orientation. We are very grateful for the Matt Stahlman family (Europe), the Leland Johnson family (West Indies), the Alex Larson family (Iceland), and the Brian Delany family (South Korea) who were present during the orientation. I feel that whatever partnership the Lord leads your church family to form with them will result in fruit that will abound to your account. If you would like to have them present their burden to your church family, please email me at, and I will be more than glad to put you in touch with them. I also rejoice in another application that has recently come into our office for a family that God has called to plant churches in the Netherlands. Can I say it again? God is still calling people to the mission field! To God be the glory!
Truly the hour is late, and the need to reach the world with the Gospel has never been greater! Whereas the need is great all over the world, each of us ought to strive to remember that world evangelism does not begin across the sea, it begins across the street. It does not begin across the border, it begins around the block. Let us be a “missionary” for the Lord today wherever we are! With your help and by God’s grace that is our plan. Therefore, we continue by faith.
For the sake of souls,
March 2023
Posted on Mar 1, 2023 in HomePage, Newsletter, Prayer Letter, Uncategorized |
Dear Friends and Co-labourers,
Cassie and I greet you in the name of our precious Saviour, rejoicing in the goodness of the Lord. Paul wrote to his friends at Philippi and said, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy.” Just as the Philippians had labored with Paul, you have labored with us to reach the world with the Gospel. We are so blessed. We thank you for your faithfulness.
The Lord has been so gracious to open many doors in order for us to “fan the flame of world evangelism.” Our travels have taken us as far north as Delaware and as far south as Florida this quarter. We rejoice in what we have been blessed to see Him do in the hearts of His people during missions conferences and special missions Sundays. Thank you for your continued prayers for safety as we travel.
Praise the Lord for answered prayer concerning labourers! Just recently our Executive Board has approved three new missionary families for the West Indies and Europe. We also held two departure interviews for missionary families leaving for the field. Our staff has also been extremely busy with year end tax reports and 1099s for all of our MWBM families. I am very thankful for the faithfulness of those that labor behind the scenes in order to do those things that few people ever think of when it comes to world evangelism.
We are making plans for the “Reach the World Youth Conference” that will be held here in our missionary training center in Hoschton, Georgia on Saturday, April 22. We are anticipating a great day of introducing the youth of our generation to the need of reaching the world with the Gospel. Have you registered your youth group? Log on to to do so today. We are also anticipating a great MWBM Conference this year! Our conference will be hosted by the Catoosa Baptist Tabernacle of Ringold, Georgia. Make plans now to join us October 15-18. Again, for more information log on to We would love to have you and your family attend this conference.
Finally, Cassie and I would like to close this quarter’s prayer letter by informing you of a great door of opportunity the Lord has opened for us. Lord willing, we will be leaving the first of July in order to fill in for MWBM missionary Jonathan Vandenhurk and his family for a period of six weeks. In order for the Vandenhurks to report to their supporting churches in the states, Cassie and I will be assisting with their duties at the Calvary Baptist Church of Peterborough, England. While in Europe, we plan to visit several of our church planters there as well as scouting out at least two different cities that are in need of good churches. Then upon arriving back in the states, we will prayerfully set out to find church planters for those cities. I personally believe this will make me a better missions director, and renew and strengthen my own burden for the lost of this world. Would you help us pray for our European missions trip? Truly the hour is late, and the need has never been greater. There, of course, is a tremendous expense to such a trip. We estimate the total travel expense to be around $5,500—6,000. This includes the cost of visiting our missionaries while we are there. However, we believe with all of our hearts where God guides, He certainly will provide. Would you please join us in praying for God’s provision?
Thank you again for your prayers and faithful support. With your help and by God’s grace, Cassie and I continue by faith.
For the sake of souls,
December 2022
Posted on Dec 1, 2022 in HomePage, Newsletter, Prayer Letter, Uncategorized |
Dear Friends,
Luke 2:11 teaches us that it was the Angel of the Lord that told the lowly shepherds, “For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.” Cassie and I love this time of year. Our prayer is that we would never forget that Jesus was born to die so the world through Him might be able to live. What a message! What a Saviour! What an opportunity we have been given to take the Gospel to the world! May the Lord find us faithful.
As we write this quarter, our hearts are filled with gratitude. After thousands of miles of traveling to “fan the flame of world evangelism,” our wonderful Lord has kept us safe on the roads and has graciously provided what we have needed every step of the way. Truly where God guides He always provides. We are so very grateful to those of you that have given towards our need of a new ministry vehicle. Between what we had saved and what God’s people generously gave, we were able to purchase a 2016 Toyota Sienna debt free. To God be the glory! The van is only one year newer than the one we had, but it has 150,000 fewer miles. We look forward to using it in the service of the Lord for His glory.
September 15-16 our home office hosted the Labourers Together Conference. It proved to be an enjoyable time with several visiting pastors and their wives. The many tasks and responsibilities of our office and staff were highlighted during this meeting. As a result, several pastors chose to partner with us on a monthly basis. It is only because of such a partnership that we can keep the operating costs to our missionaries as low as we possibly can. Therefore, we are very grateful for every supporting church and pastor. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.
We were excited to host our first Missionary Power Hour in November. MPH is a bi-monthly virtual meeting with our missionaries around the world. It is designed to encourage and to remind us of the great need to “keep the main thing the main thing.” Pastor Chris Mann of the Fellowship Baptist Church of Oakton, Virginia, delivered a powerful message, and it was good to spend a few moments with a great number of MWBM missionaries.
Looking ahead to the new year, we are praying, planning, and preparing to serve the Lord with a greater zeal and fervency than ever before. Surely the hour is late, and the need to take the Gospel to the world has never been greater! Cassie and I have plans to visit our missionaries in Europe this summer. Another Reach the World Youth Conference is planned in the spring. Our Annual Conference is scheduled in the fall. Our calendar is full, and our hearts are challenged. There is no time to waste! Souls hang in the balance! Until Jesus comes and with your help, we will therefore continue by faith.
For the sake of souls,

September 2022
Posted on Sep 1, 2022 in HomePage, Newsletter, Prayer Letter |
Dear Friends,
Paul wrote to his friends at Philippi that had sent once and again to his necessity according to Philippians 1:3 and said, “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you.” Every time the Lord brings you to our minds Cassie and I are so thankful. We count it a joy to labor with you to reach the world with the Gospel. Thank you very much for your faithful prayers and support.
We have certainly been busy since our last letter. In the month of June alone we not only hosted the second annual “Reach the World Youth Conference” here on our property, but we also hosted twenty-five MWBM families for orientation as well. Each proved to be very special and productive. We rejoice over the precious young lady that was saved during the youth conference. Praise the Lord!
We also rejoice over two new families that have been approved by our Executive Board since our last letter. I hope you will get a chance to meet them personally as they prepare to hit the deputation trail. Brother Teddy Angel and his family will be going to plant churches in Colorado. Brother Duane Earwood and his family will be helping missionary families all over the world by getting involved in International Missionary Helps. Both of these families come to us highly recommended by their sending church and Pastor. Please be much in prayer for them as they begin to form the partnerships they will need with other churches of like faith to carry out the work God has called them to do.
Cassie and I also have a very special request. Between the work at the office and helping pastors and churches with missions Sundays and conferences, the miles have begun to add up on our van. At the first of next year we will probably need to get serious about finding another one with fewer miles. Would you please make this a matter of prayer? I assure you we desire no less than God’s perfect will concerning this need. Our office has set up a “vehicle fund” for us, and as the Lord provides we are putting back as much money as we can. We believe with all of our hearts God will provide exactly what we need in His time. He always has, and we praise Him for it.
By the time you receive this letter, we will be getting ready for our Labourers Together Conference here at our international headquarters. God uses this conference to help us share the ministry of Macedonia World Baptist Missions with pastors. We are trusting the Lord for a great conference.
Because of your help and the Lord’s faithfulness, Cassie and I are determined to continue by faith. We love and appreciate you all.
For the sake of souls,
Scott Caudill