September 2018

Dear Friends and Co-Laborers,

As always, Cassie and I greet you in the name that is above every other name, the Lord Jesus Christ.  As we correspond this quarter, it is with a deep sense of gratitude and praise for literally thousands of miles of safe travel and many opportunities to share the Gospel while on our way.  It has been our joy to represent you and your church family while traveling abroad and at home for the cause of Christ.

The highlight of the quarter was the blessing of being part of our Macedonia European Church Planter’s Conference in Rothenburg, Germany.  Within just twelve days, Cassie and I traveled through seven countries, stayed in two missionary’s homes, and spent three days with our European missionary families during the conference. 

Upon arriving in England, it was our joy to spend a few days with Brother Jonathan and his wife, Mrs. Natalie VandenHurk.   They are being used of the Lord in a mighty way at the Calvary Baptist Church in Peterborough, England.  I was amazed to see God bless their services during the Lord’s Day when we were with them.  I preached Sunday morning, Cassie taught the children’s Sunday school during the afternoon, and we were thrilled to hear Bro. VandenHurk preach the Sunday evening service.  What a day we had!  We left greatly encouraged after having spent time with this great couple and their church family.  

From England, it was on to Germany where we met with nine MWBM missionary families serving in Europe for the Church Planter’s Conference.  Dr. Roger Baker, MWBM’s European/Middle East Field Director, did a wonderful job planning and preparing for the conference.  I know each family was blessed and encouraged as we all spent time together around the things of the Lord.  I truly believe each family left challenged to stay the course for the cause of Christ. Cassie and I both taught classes during the conference and greatly enjoyed spending time with the missionaries.  We were encouraged as we visited with them and got a better understanding of their burden, their passion, their struggles, and accomplishments.   The Lord is using this group of people to spread the gospel to Europe, but more laborers are needed!  Would you consider joining them as they seek souls for Christ?

After the conference, we joined Bro. Jeremiah and Mrs. Lindsay Cooley along with their daughter Ruth, at their home in southern Germany.  On Sunday, we traveled with them into Liechtenstein where they hold services each week.  This is a closed country, but the Cooleys are spreading the gospel there.  It was our joy to meet a young man Bro. Cooley led to Christ just recently.    I am convinced God is going to use the Cooleys in a great way in Liechtenstein.

If not for your faithful prayers and support, we could not have made this remarkable trip.  Our hearts are burdened more than ever for the great need for Christ to be preached around the world.   We send to you sincere thanks for your generosity and sacrifice in getting us to Europe. 

The need is great, but the laborers are few.   Let us each one heed Christ’s plea to pray the Lord of the harvest that he would send forth laborers.  Also, consider visiting the mission field yourself to be an encouragement to your missionaries.  If you were on a foreign field, what a tremendous blessing it would be to you to receive a visit from someone who cared for you and sought to spur you on in the work of the Lord.  At Macedonia, we would love to help you get to the field in any capacity you feel led to go. 

Please join us in prayer for Dylan, a young man I had the privilege of witnessing to recently while we were on the road.  Everyone everywhere needs the gospel!  It is our great joy and honor to be your ambassadors for Christ!

Since returning from Europe we have resumed a busy schedule here in our home office and on the road.  Truly the hour is late, and the need is great!  Therefore, with the help of the Lord as well as our co Labourers we continue by faith. 



Dr. Scott and Cassie Caudill
Ps. 28:7



June 2018

Dear Co Labourers,

Cassie and I greet you as always in the name which is above every name, the Lord Jesus Christ.  It is only through Him that we have the hope of eternal life.  It is only through your faithful prayers and financial support that we can serve Him to the greatest extent.  From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.  We count it an honor to labor alongside of you for the cause of a world that stands in need of the Saviour.

First of all we want to thank every church, as well as every individual that helped us financially with the cost of our trip to Europe for our Macedonia World Baptist Missions European church planters conference coming up in the month of July in Rothenburg, Germany.  We are so glad to be able to report to you that between what Cassie and I have saved and what our supporting churches and individuals have given, every need has been supplied!  To God be the glory!  We also plan to attend church services with MWBM missionaries Jonathan and Natalie VandenHurk (England) as well as Jeremiah and Lindsey Cooley and family (Liechtenstein) while in Europe.  Needless to say we will be traveling many thousands of miles within the almost two weeks we will be out of the United States and therefore would certainly appreciate your prayers for safety.  I am convinced that only eternity will reveal the fruit of our efforts together as we make this trip.  Thank you for allowing us to represent you and your church family while in Europe and abroad.  Rest assured that is a task that we do not take lightly.

Since our last prayer letter, Cassie and I have “fanned the flame of world evangelism” in New York, Maryland, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, as well as our home state of Georgia.  Week after week, while traveling literally thousands of miles we count it all joy with your help to do what God has called upon us to do.  We have also been very busy here in our home office preparing for orientation and training June 18 through 21.  Lord willing, we will have the largest number of missionary families this year that we have had in several years.  Our executive board has also been busy.  Recently, they have approved two new missionary families to Argentina, one family to Peru, and another family to be a part of our USA church rescue ministry as well.  Every time God raises up another family I am reminded that He is still in the business of calling and separating His people for the work of world evangelism.  My prayer is that He would raise up even more as we approach His soon return.  We are not only praying to that end here at Macedonia, we are laboring to that end as well.  Let me encourage you to take out a map and take a good long look.  There are needs everywhere!  People need the Gospel!  Will you go?  Just remember MWBM can help your local church get you there.

Out of all the wonderful things I have spoken of in this quarter’s letter, I believe the best would be to mention the two precious souls that we have seen saved in meetings as we have traveled.  After all, that is really what the ministry is all about: souls!  Souls that Jesus died for!  Souls that He longs to use each of us to reach with His glorious Gospel.  Because of that, and for His glory, we continue by faith.



Dr. Scott Caudill