December 2015

December 2015

Dear Co-Laborers,

We greet you in the wonderful name of our Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. Cassie and I trust this letter finds each of you well and busy in the service of our wonderful Lord.

The past few months have been very busy, but also full of the manifold blessings of God. Recently, at our annual Macedonia Conference hosted by Dr. Chris Haizlip and the Calvary Baptist Church of Statesville, NC, we were blessed to see two people trust Christ as their Saviour. As a result of that, we were reminded yet again of the world’s greatest need, which is the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Please join us in praying that God would raise up laborers for His harvest. Truly the night is coming when no man can work. We have recently had two different interviews at our home office of potential MWBM missionaries and are excited about those that God will call in the future to take the Gospel to the world. Yes, we rejoice in those that have been saved, but at the same time, our hearts are broken for those who have yet to hear the Gospel. Therefore, we continue to go, to pray, to give so that other souls might be reached for Christ before it is eternally too late.

We also praise the Lord for traveling mercies. Cassie and I have “fanned the flame of world evangelism” recently in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Tennessee, New York, Illinois, and of course, our home state of Georgia. There is no way that we could continue to do that without your faithful prayers and support. From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you.

We also wanted to praise the Lord for answered prayer! I was blessed to have some much needed     surgery in November. I’m doing much better now and am on the road to a full recovery. Also, after over a year on the market, our house in Covington has finally sold. We look forward to moving closer to our home office so that my work there can be more efficient in the days to come. Will you help us pray that the Lord would lead us to the very place that He would have us to live? Thank you so much for joining us in prayer.

Finally, we are currently at about 75% of our needed support. We look forward to the day when we are fully supported so we can do more effectively what God has called us to do. In the meantime, we thank you again for your prayers and financial partnership. Truly, we thank God for you and for your fellowship as we continue to labor together to reach the world with the glorious Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.


Sincerely for souls,

Dr. and Mrs. Scott Caudill
Psalm 28:7


September 2015


September 2015

Dear Friends and Fellow Laborers,

“Rescue the Perishing; Care for the Dying! Jesus is merciful! Jesus WILL save!”

What a glorious truth to share with folks all over the world that Jesus cares for their soul, and longs to save them for all of eternity! What a great responsibility for those of us who are saved to “Rescue the perishing” by sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with them! Our sincere thanks goes out to all of our supporters who make it possible for us to travel the world to share the Gospel and to minister to missionaries who are doing the work of God. If you could go with us and see the great work they are doing on your behalf to preach the Word to the world, you would be very pleased with how your missions dollars are being spent. Only eternity will reveal the worth of your investment in missions. Your labor is not in vain!

Since our last letter, I have had the privilege of visiting two of our Macedonia missionaries in Mexico: Bro. Jonathan Allinson and Bro. Jonathan Anderson. Both of these men and their families are laboring with fervor and zeal to see folks saved and churches planted. I had the privilege to preach in Mexico City at a National Pastor’s Conference with our Mexican Field Director, Bro. Fred Kindhart.   It was a great encouragement to know that the Gospel is being heralded forth through the efforts of these Pastors and their churches.

Our travels this quarter have taken us to North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia, and New York. We are thankful for the safety the Lord has provided us and for the excitement for missions that we have seen among the congregations we have been privileged to minister to. We also had a stay in the hospital during this quarter! I was in Robbinsville, NC for a meeting, but ended up having emergency surgery instead for a problem related to a hernia. God showed great mercy to us by giving us a good doctor and a good hospital staff to care for me during this time. Please pray for me as I face another surgery in November.

We are currently at 70% of our needed monthly support. Our goal of being fully supported by December 2015 is in sight! Would you please help us pray the remainder of our support will be fulfilled by year’s end? It will be a wonderful blessing to give ourselves more fully to fanning the flames of Word Evangelism and to providing any support we can to our missionaries.

May God richly bless you as you serve Him with gladness!

In His Service,

                                                                                                                      Dr. Scott Caudill
Psalm 28:7